Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tape is not dead!

For several years I have been chagrined by the various proclamations from industry experts that “Tape is dead”. These reports (many of which are published by vendors that do not offer a tape product) extol the virtues of using disk as a replacement for tape, but ignore the operational benefits and cost savings that tape provides in the enterprise IT environment.

These benefits become more apparent as the quantity of data and the size of the enterprise grows. At some point, it becomes evident that keeping all copies of all data on spinning disk storage is simply unsupportable – both operationally and financially.

Even so, the many myths regarding the demise of tape have been perpetuated over the years. Therefore I was very pleased to see an article debunking some of these myths appear in the June/July 2008 issue of Z/Journal.

This article, “Mainframe Tape Technology: Myths and Realities”
(By Stephen Kochishan and John Hill) discuss several of these popular myths and then describe both the reality and best practice that aptly describe the issue. This article should be an interesting read for the enterprise storage professional.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saw an interesting similar thought today that I thought you might appreciate: Tape Gets Some Respect From IT Giants
Often-derided tape storage gets a vote of confidence as HP and Sony team on a new DAT format while IBM and Sun break the terabyte barrier.
Tape is the Rodney Dangerfield of storage," Robert Amatruda, research director at IDC, told "No doubt there has been a decline in the market, but it's still a relevant technology widely deployed. The news proves there's still strong investment in what's become a mature technology."